ONE80 Night Hunter Sting Darts

$79.99 $71.99 Smart Card
Size: 22g
ONE80 are pleased to introduce the new Night Hunter range. Designed from the highest quality VHD tungsten, the Night Hunter comprises of 4 different barrel shapes with various high tech precision grips to ensure maximum grip control. Each dart is coated with a Black Titanium Nitride layer to give the dart a stunning look.

The ONE80 Night Hunter instinct flight gives the player a secure feeling and compliments the night hunter dart range perfectly. Designed with stunning graphics and made in a 100 micro thickness, the instict flight is both visually pleasing and durable.

The ONE80 Proplast vice shafts feature an elegant design which maximizes airflow and minimizes robinhood. The special vice lock grip at the base of the stem provides a supreme hold for the flight. Use the spring ring in a slot lock to enhance the grip further.

    VHD (Very High Density) 90% Tungsten (Steel Tip)
    Gradient Colour
    Handmade extra grip barrels
    ONE80 Vice shafts
    Set of 3
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